Men are from Mars, and women are from Venus. Yes. We are not the same. In fact, we are often very different. I don’t try to change it.

We can do anything, and it isn’t related to men. The only thing that matters is what we want and how much we want it.

What we don’t ask for, we won’t get. Often, we are afraid or ashamed to ask for what we want, and then of course because we don’t act, nothing happens.

Women’s connections to each other are among the strongest I have ever encountered, and we are only just beginning to scratch the surface. You must surround yourself with strong women and sisters.

There are many, many complaints about men discriminating against women and how many of them treat women poorly. I personally try to focus on fixing this by being stronger and more equipped with tools and knowledge so when it happens close to me, I can be assertive, demanding, and dangerous!

Happy International Women's Day

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New Arrivals

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Ruti was founded in 2009 to change your relationship
with your closet. We’ve always been told that beauty hurts - that we must give up comfort in the name of style and compromise sophistication for whatever is fashionable.
That’s where Ruti comes in.

After years as a tech executive, Ruti Zisser took a leap of faith and struck out on her own to create a new kind of luxury brand.
From that moment on, she devoted herself to creating the clothes she’s been searching for all along, but was never able to find.